Nebraska High School Rodeo Association Board of Directors
Minutes of the May 20, 2023 Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by President Ohm.
Tim moved to approve the minutes of the April 18, 2023 meeting as submitted. Second by Levi. Motion Carried.
Jasper gave an update on the by-law committee’s progress on updated bylaws to comply with the National Association to incorporate the junior high division into the association’s structure. He reported that the committee had received input at the last several meetings from the membership, as well as via online surveys, and via directors individually.
Based on that input the committee was revising the by-laws to keep the jr. high division as separate as possible from the high school division under the same umbrella or entity. The goal is to have the jr. high national director and their appointed committee oversee the jr. high and the high school board oversee the high school division, essentially keeping it like it is run now. Other changes being proposed to the by-laws, including clarification that two adult directors from the same household not be able to serve on the board at the same time were also mentioned.
The board discussed the by-laws with members present at the meeting. Director elections were discussed, including that 4 directors would be elected by the membership and that 2 directors would likely be resigning due to their child graduating.
A proposal by Jim Walz for all votes of the membership to accommodate mail in voting was discussed.
It was expressed to the board that Jr. High and High School should be kept separate and the High School Board shouldn’t deal with the Jr. High. Jasper thanked the members for their input and lengthy debate and reminded them that is what the board was working towards.
The board discussed whether the number of directors on the board should be changed or left the same. The members in attendance provided the board with their suggestions.
Halie updated the board on state finals planning, student director nominations/elections, and Rodeo and Judge of the year ballots.
Halie presented the board with a proposal to make the registration process compatible with an online process.
Jasper moved to authorize Halie to work with legal counsel to develop an online form that meets necessary liability and legal requirements. Levi Seconded. Motion Carried.
President Ohm advised that an executive session may be necessary to discuss rules matters. No member moved to go into executive session. National Director Buss pointed the board to the rulebook regarding national director responsibilities and reporting.
No additional business was brought by the board.
The meeting was adjourned well past the appropriate hour at approximately 11:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jasper Fanning
Board Secretary